
Recycling at LCK

Following in the footsteps of Leigh Creek Energy’s (LCK) strategy announcement to becoming Carbon Neutral by 2030, our Adelaide office have taken on various recycling programs to help reduce our carbon footprint around the office.  We have a 2-system recycling bin set up in the common area basement in our building however staff at LCK felt this was not enough, so we decided to implement our own.

We started small and built up to numerous recycling points throughout the office.  First was a recycling battery station where we contain all our used batteries and once full we deposit them at the recycling point in the CBD. 

We have also implemented sending our printer cartridges back to the supplier who recycle the plastic and metal components. However, our cartridge use has reduced significantly as we have been aiming to become a paperless office with a new motto of “STOP and THINK, is printing really necessary?” For any paper used or received externally we have paper recycling bins located throughout the office which a local shredding company take to recycle.

Our latest addition to our recycling program was the implementation of our 3 system kitchen bins.  Landfill, recyclables and bottles/cans.  LCK staff have really taken to the system very quickly and it is very encouraging to see the effort to reduce our footprint by all staff.  Our Senior Hydrogeologist Damian Newham said Sometimes we just have to start somewhere, recycling our office items in a building which doesn’t offer the service may just start a revolution. We are trying to do what we can, where we can”

LCK is committed to helping make the world a more sustainable place not just for now but for years to come.

Author: Tammie Salvemini 
